🙋(ENG) UX Monday - From Silicon Valley to Prague: Unleashing the Power of UX Research
🙋(ENG) UX Monday - From Silicon Valley to Prague: Unleashing the Power of UX Research
3. 2. 2025 18:00 - 20:00
Na Valentince - Na Valentince - Praha 5-Smíchov, cz
For full details, including the address, and to RSVP see: https://www.meetup.com/asociace-ux/events/305847603
What can we, as a UX community in the Czech Republic, learn from the research approaches used by some of the biggest tech companies in the world?
This UX Monday, we’re excited to host Michaela Hráčková Pyšňáková, a strategic Senior UX Researcher with over a decade of professional experience. With a Ph.D. in sociology and a background in journalism, Michaela specializes in mixed-methods research and has spent six years in Silicon Valley working with companies like Google, Medallia, Ford, and Kiva to create top-tier digital products.
Now back in Prague and working as a Senior UX Researcher at Make, Michaela is passionate about leveraging user feedback to drive product strategy and mentoring early-career researchers in the art of UX.
Here’s what you can look forward to:
- Insights from Silicon Valley: Learn lessons, tips, and methods from working with global tech leaders.
- Community Exchange: Share your own challenges and successes as UX researchers or PWDRs in the Czech Republic.
- Elevating UX Research Together: Discuss what the Czech UX community needs to thrive and grow.
Whether you’re a seasoned UX professional or just starting out, this is a unique opportunity to exchange ideas, share experiences, and inspire one another.
Hosted by Šimon Jůn | CPO @ Dotidot.io
This event is OFFLINE and conducted in English, making it welcoming to expat friends. Don't miss this opportunity to expand your knowledge and network! *** Event Schedule:
- 18:00 – Opening of the premises, refreshments, and networking
- 18:30 – Talks begin
- 20:00 – End of the program (+beer around the corner)
*** This event is open to everyone, and admission is voluntary. Payment can be made to the transparent account of the UX Association (account number: 2202638327/2010) or through a QR code on the spot.
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🙋♀️(CZE) Agile Circle ⭕ Liberec
🙋♀️(CZE) Agile Circle ⭕ Liberec
11. 2. 2025 17:00 - 19:00
Lipo.ink - Liberecký podnikatelský inkubátor, U Jezu 525/4, Perštýn, 460 01 Liberec, Česko
Akce se koná fyzicky a je potřeba se na ni registrovat ZDE
Přijměte pozvání do firmy Lipo.ink. Akce je určena pro všechny agilní role - vezměte proto své kolegy nebo kolegyně a dojděte v hojném počtu. Cílem setkání je se vzájemně inspirovat, sdílet zkušenosti a hledat společně odpovědi na otázky, které momentálně hýbou vašimi firmami.
Obsah akce si řídí sami účastníci. Při příchodu budete mít možnost vykopnout jakékoliv vlastní téma týkající se Agility. Poté všechna témata zprioritizujeme a ty nejžádanější společně probereme od A do Z. Žádné téma není špatné ani nevhodné.
Akce se koná fyzicky a je potřeba se na ni registrovat.
Pravidla setkání 1. Vždy se snažíme ostatním dát rady a tipy, jak může danou situaci u sebe ve firmě posunout namísto hodnocení. 2. Pokud chcete dělat nábor nebo prodej svých služeb, prosím zavítejte na jiný typ akce. 3. Las Vegas pravidlo – co se na akci stane nebo řekne, to tam také zůstane
Kontaktní osoba: Helča Vykoukalová (helena.vykoukalova@heureka.cz, telefon: 737 406 356)
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🙋♀️ (ENG) ScrumDōjō Beer: How to support "multi-learning" in teams
🙋♀️ (ENG) ScrumDōjō Beer: How to support "multi-learning" in teams
13. 2. 2025 18:00 - 21:00
Applifting Meetup Space - Rohanské nábřeží 670/19 - Hlavní město Praha, cz
For full details, including the address, and to RSVP see: https://www.meetup.com/scrumdojo-beer/events/305968626
Does everything take forever due to hand-overs between narrowly specialized team members?
When people take ownership of their product, they start learning new skills outside of their official job description (multi-learning) and the team experiences true team collaboration.
Let's explore together:
- Systemic obstacles to people learning new specializations
- How to support team in multi-learning
- Case study from Applifting
Agenda 18:00 - Arrival + Networking 18:30 - Lightning talks:
- Case study from Applifting
- Multi-learning and the Trap of Utilization
19:00 - "How to support multi-learning" workshop 20:30 - Retrospective 20:45 - More Networking
Hosted by Applifting 💖
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#(ENG) Karen Kemerling, PhD: Psychological Safety: Foundation of High Performing Teams
#(ENG) Karen Kemerling, PhD: Psychological Safety: Foundation of High Performing Teams
14. 2. 2025 18:00 - 19:00
Online event
For full details, including the address, and to RSVP see: https://www.meetup.com/large-scale-scrum-less-in-nyc/events/305153960
Agenda: The Psychological Safety Webinar would cover the following: • What is psychological safety? • Why does it matter to companies? • What are the stages a team, group, company must go thru to build psychological safety ?
- This includes building psychological safety thru four stages: Inclusion, Learning, Contributing, and Challenging the status quo.
- These are the stages to build a culture that encourages employees to bring their best self to work and the building blocks that empower innovative and thriving companies.
Bio: Karen Kemerling is an energetic and inspirational executive leader and coach. She applies a variety of leadership principles to build confidence in individuals, empower teams, and generate a competitive advantage. She is the founder of K2 | Leadership Development – a leadership coaching and organizational development company. She brings 30+ years of leadership experience as a past President, COO, and CIO, leading all aspects of business in large global companies, smaller businesses, and non-profits. Her superior strategic management, implementation, negotiation, and team collaboration skills focus on delivering services that empower the business and promote productivity in the workforce. Karen is a Vistage CEO Chair, where she coaches CEOs, business owners, and key executives to address and solve their toughest challenges. She coaches each leader through one-to-one coaching sessions and through the power of the monthly CEO peer group collaborative sessions. Karen is a Certified Enterprise Coach (CEC), a Certified Agile Leader (CAL), a Neuroscience Certified Brain Based Coach, and she is a Psychological Safety Certified Trainer and Coach. She uses these approaches in workshops and to actively coach leaders to develop a growth-mindset and foster psychologically safe teams and organizations. Karen developed the online Psychological Safety – Building High Performing Teams 6-week intensive workshop that gives leaders actionable and tangible steps leaders can take to incorporate Psychological Safety in the work environment. Karen co-developed the Women in Agile Leadership (WiAL) program, supporting and encouraging women executives & leaders to find their voice and lead authentically in a complex multi-cultural setting. In 2011, Karen was nominated by the Denver Business Journal as the CIO of the year in the Non-Profit Sector. In 2015, she was also voted one of the top 3 Businesswomen of the Year in Denver. In 2002, Karen successfully completed her doctoral dissertation on the Productivity of Remote Teams and achieved her Doctorate degree in Management and Organizational Development. In addition, Karen holds a Master of Science degree in Management of Information Systems (MIS) and a Bachelor of Science in computer science and a minor in electrical engineering. Karen loves Colorado, the outdoors, all sports, guitars, rescue dogs, and family. Follow Karen on LinkedIn, Email Karen at Karen.Kemerling@Vistagechair.com, Visit her website at https://k2-leadershipdevelopment.com
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🙋♀️(CZE) Agile Circle ⭕ Praha
🙋♀️(CZE) Agile Circle ⭕ Praha
17. 2. 2025 18:00 - 20:00
Vodafone Czech Republic a. s., náměstí Junkových 2808/2, 155 00 Praha 5, Česko
Akce se koná fyzicky a je potřeba se na ni registrovat ZDE
Přijměte pozvání do firmy Vodafone. Akce je určena pro všechny agilní role - vezměte proto své kolegy nebo kolegyně a dojděte v hojném počtu. Cílem setkání je se vzájemně inspirovat, sdílet zkušenosti a hledat společně odpovědi na otázky, které momentálně hýbou vašimi firmami.
Obsah akce si řídí sami účastníci. Při příchodu budete mít možnost vykopnout jakékoliv vlastní téma týkající se Agility. Poté všechna témata zprioritizujeme a ty nejžádanější společně probereme od A do Z. Žádné téma není špatné ani nevhodné.
Akce se koná fyzicky a je potřeba se na ni registrovat.
Pravidla setkání 1. Vždy se snažíme ostatním dát rady a tipy, jak může danou situaci u sebe ve firmě posunout namísto hodnocení. 2. Pokud chcete dělat nábor nebo prodej svých služeb, prosím zavítejte na jiný typ akce. 3. Las Vegas pravidlo – co se na akci stane nebo řekne, to tam také zůstane
Kontaktní osoba: Kateřina Špundová (katerina.spundova@vodafone.com, 608444956)
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🙋♀️(ENG) Scrum Crew Talk - Successful projects: How do they happen?
🙋♀️(ENG) Scrum Crew Talk - Successful projects: How do they happen?
18. 2. 2025 18:00 - 22:00
Rohanské nábř. 19, Karlín, 186 00 Praha-Praha 8, Česko
Registration: https://talkbase.io/event/scrum-crew-talk-successful-projects/applifting
Event information
Have you ever wondered what the recipe for a successful project is? Come and listen to a panel discussion about who—or what—contributes to the success.
Is it teamwork? Clearly defined responsibilities? Or perhaps the skills of the individual? Join us on Tuesday, February 18, to find out. Let's meet in the Applifting meetup space, both in person and online. We’ll start at 18:00.
What´s on the menu?
Each of the four panelists will offer their unique perspective on what drives success:
There will be Q&As sprinkled throughout the event to quench your thirst for knowledge. You can also look forward to a themed quiz, where you can win cool Applifting prizes!
Just come and chat, get to know each other, and see how we think about things at Applifting.
We look forward to meeting you!
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🙋♀️ (ENG) Product Tank Prague: YOLO - Cursor AI Composer in Agent Mode Meetup 🚀
🙋♀️ (ENG) Product Tank Prague: YOLO - Cursor AI Composer in Agent Mode Meetup 🚀
19. 2. 2025 18:30 - 20:30
Keboola - Dělnická 191/27 - Prague, cz
For full details, including the address, and to RSVP see: https://www.meetup.com/ProductTank-Prague/events/306047154
Keboola & Product Tank Prague
Join us for an evening of real talk about coding with AI assistants. Whether you’ve had smooth sails or hit some bumps, we want to hear it all. Get in touch, if you wanna pick up the mic.
📍 Where: Keboola 📅 When: February 19, 18:30 🎯 Who: Anyone with hands-on experience coding with AI assistants (Cursor AI, Agent mode, etc.) or interested in this new era of ...
What’s on the agenda?
⚡ 3-5 minute lightning talks: Best practices, lessons learned, epic wins, and glorious fckups 💬 Open discussion: Share, ask, debate 🤝 Networking: Meet like-minded AI explorers No slides, no fluff—just real experiences. YOLO. 😎
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#(ENG) L. David Marquet | Wise, Skilled, & Effective
#(ENG) L. David Marquet | Wise, Skilled, & Effective
20. 2. 2025 16:00 - 18:00
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🙋♀️(ENG/SVK) Agile Circle ⭕ Bratislava
🙋♀️(ENG/SVK) Agile Circle ⭕ Bratislava
20. 2. 2025 18:00 - 20:00
Ružová dolina 16648/8, 821 09 Bratislava-Ružinov, Slovensko
Akce se koná fyzicky a je potřeba se na ni registrovat ZDE
Přijměte pozvání na Agile Circle Bratislava, který pořádáme ve spolupráci s Agile Bratislava. Hostit nás bude firma Neoxx. Akce je určena pro všechny agilní role - vezměte proto své kolegy nebo kolegyně a dojděte v hojném počtu. Cílem setkání je se vzájemně inspirovat, sdílet zkušenosti a hledat společně odpovědi na otázky, které momentálně hýbou vašimi firmami
Obsah akce si řídí sami účastníci. Při příchodu budete mít možnost vykopnout jakékoliv vlastní téma týkající se Agility. Poté všechna témata zprioritizujeme a ty nejžádanější společně probereme od A do Z. Žádné téma není špatné ani nevhodné.
Akce se koná fyzicky a je potřeba se na ni registrovat.
Pravidla setkání:
1. Vždy se snažíme ostatním dát rady a tipy, jak může danou situaci u sebe ve firmě posunout namísto hodnocení. 2. Pokud chcete dělat nábor nebo prodej svých služeb, prosím zavítejte na jiný typ akce. 3. Las Vegas pravidlo – co se na akci stane nebo řekne, to tam také zůstane.
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#(ENG) Xavier Angenot presents: "The Agile Organisation without Scrum Masters"
#(ENG) Xavier Angenot presents: "The Agile Organisation without Scrum Masters"
24. 2. 2025 19:45 - 21:15
Online event
For full details, including the address, and to RSVP see: https://www.meetup.com/ScrumEvent/events/305969724
# Xavier Angenot and Scrum Event present: "The Agile Organisation without Scrum Masters
What if tomorrow Agile organisations run without Scrum Masters? Some organisations consider their Agile Transformation “done” as the targeted teams’ maturity levels are formally reached. Considering that, why not let mature teams take care of themselves? Welcome to a world without Scrum Masters! How does the life of the team look like? How does the human system adapt to this new reality? What are the benefits and pitfalls? Come discover that scenario. Investigate as a group what this means for the organisations considering this as potential future.
## About Xavier Angenot:
Xavier believes that anyone and any group can reach ever-growing potential. He allies management consulting, transformational coaching and facilitation as a blend of approaches to support companies and human systems in embracing new ways of working in digital and innovative environments. By connecting dots and multiplying pluri-disciplinary work with colleagues from very different backgrounds he hopes to generate a richer experience to teams and organisations. He has over 25 years of experience in IT integration and management consulting, coaching teams and individuals over the last 8 years. Xavier is a Scrum Alliance Certified Scrum Professional & ICF ACC certified coach. He also holds certifications as a Lean Black Belt, Prosci change management and ORSC systemic coaching along with several Agile at scale certifications and transformation experiences.
AGENDA (timezone in BST): 18:45 - 19:00 - Event Welcoming & Networking 19:00 - 20:00 - Talk 20:00 - 20:15 - Event Questions & Networking
SEU: As a ''Scrum Alliance User Group'' you will earn 1.5 SEUs from the event
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#(ENG) No One Size Fits All (Webinar)
#(ENG) No One Size Fits All (Webinar)
26. 2. 2025 17:30 - 18:30
Agile Kata Webinar Series (Nigel Thurlow and Joe Krebs)
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#(ENG) Eylul Cesmeci, Ph.D.: Organizational Design and AI Leadership
#(ENG) Eylul Cesmeci, Ph.D.: Organizational Design and AI Leadership
28. 2. 2025 18:00 - 19:00
For full details, including the address, and to RSVP see: https://www.meetup.com/large-scale-scrum-less-in-nyc/events/305210937
Speaker's Bio: Eylül is an inspiring coach, trainer and consultant. She is the founder of Vina & Co, where she provides coaching and consultancy services to organizations, organizes trainings focused on change management, leadership development, and artificial intelligence.
She is one of the few accredited Management 3.0 trainers in Turkey and, thanks to her recent focus on artificial intelligence, has been certified as an "AI Transformational Leader" by the United States Artificial Intelligence Institute.
She holds a Ph.D. in Political Economy and strives to bridge her academic expertise with practical business applications to support organizations effectively.
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